Saturday, February 26, 2011

So Many Sweethearts

 Life has been so good.  It seems as if there has been so many sweet people lately.  Okay so there are always sweet people around.  But I am actually taking the time to truly notice how nice people can be. Like if you look for the good in people you'll find it and vice versa.   If someone does something not so nice, I just need to not bite back and just consider that maybe they aren't having a good day and try to help them instead of making it worse for both of us.  In other words I need to not be so quick to be offended.  I know these are things that we are taught at a young age but I've always taken rude things to heart when someone wasn't nice to me. I'm a ball baby too, so I would even take it to the level of crying over it.  I know pathetic huh... sometime we can't help these feelings.  But these feelings can be fought. We just need to choose for ourselves and then ask our Heavenly Father to help the negative feelings go away.
In RS this last Sunday our lesson was on Service.  I always always always love the lessons in RS and could probably write about all of the lessons we have.  But I won't ha... they asked us to share ways sisters have helped to serve them or even  just a random person.

So many sisters had amazing stories, and even the most simple stories had an effect on the way I think.  One Sister said she had gone to the commissary with all five of her kids. Something she is definitely not fond of doing.  But she was shopping away an this handsome clean cut black man was at the end of the isle talking to her kids, giving them high fives and everything and when she got to him.  He looked at her and said, "Mama you're doing good."
I thought that was beyond sweet.  He could have blatantly ignored her but he didn't.. He served her by just those kind words.  He doesn't know what kind of affect he had on her.  But it did affect her, made her more positive about her day and so much more to even tell the RS sisters about it.

I too have a story that just happened this week at the commissary,  I parked at the BX to get Kolton some snow pants then went with Addie over to the commissary.  So on my way back with all my groceries I realized that the cart coral was all the way in the other parking lot.  I had already put Addie into the car.  So I could either look like an idiot by leaving my cart there or look like a bad Mom and leave my Daughter in and unattended car.  I couldn't decide.  Little did I know there was this nice lady sitting in her truck...she got out of her truck in the cold and said "I'll take it for you"  I was so grateful..she could have sat there and watched me make a fool out of myself.  But she was sweet and made such a huge difference in my day.

I have seen so many examples of service lately and it's so nice seeing people do good sweet things.  My husband is the biggest sweetheart of all.  Man I love him, he is always such a big help in everything and has taught me so much just by his actions.  So kindhearted and always a solid example to me. He's always getting me water (very important when your nursin) taking Addison downstairs so I can sleep a bit longer or anything else I need.   I have so many sweet examples to me.  My Mama is too sweet, I love getting her packages.  She doesn't have to but it's so nice. Feels like a get a little of home in every box.  Kolton and I are so excited to get a couch thanks to his parents for our belated wedding present.  Again they didn't have to but they did and we are so grateful.

I want to be the person to make someones day.  I know that when you are prompted to do something, you need to act on it.  I hope I can get over my sometimes shy, too scared to talk to strangers attitude and be able to say something nice when I think it.  Or if someone is rude I want to be the person to help make their day better.  I want to look at things in a more positive manner.   Instead of being selfish and asking to yourself "Why couldn't they ask someone else" I need to say, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve" ( We had/got to give talks in our new ward on Sunday..
okay I will quit my rambling...But I am SO  grateful for all the sweethearts in my life.
A Heart Like His is a book that our Relief Society read last year and I love it so much, I need to read it again.  All of this has reminded me of it and I could probably use reading it again.   

p.s.  I miss going to the Temple, if you live by one and have a baby sitter I hope you are going!  I can't wait till I trust someone enough with Addie so Kolton and I can go together!  Tried to go every week while Kolton was gone even made it there the day before my water broke, so I miss it!!   I'm so excited to see what the Boise Temple is like.


  1. so i was reading along and i just pictured your face when you realized the cart/baby girl dilemma.. and that makes me happy that someone noticed to help out, i really do think this will make me pay more attention to my surroundings for chances to help out.

  2. p.s. how did you make your super cute picture boarder for your blog?!

  3. I love reading your and camille blog you both make me want to be better. more positive, happy and uplifting!!! and mature haha . and thanks for those stories, im in primary so i never go to relief society it was nice to hear :). I am the same way I want to be more out going too, so i can make peoples day too, and have a more positive out look on things!
