Okay!! I'm a terrible blogger, but get used to it...I started this FOREVER ago, never finished it...so I'm going to finish it but not be detailed on all of them (so that explains why some are and some aren't ok :) ) It's hard when you have a cute lil girl to distract you! I started it when I was in Texas ha)some have pics some don't
Okay....so I am bored in Texas, while Kolton is at class. To make the time go by faster I thought I'd follow the cool kid trend of sharing the things I am grateful for. I know I always enjoy reading what my friends are grateful for. It's already the eleventh so I have some catching up to do :)
November 1st
Numero Uno, number one, 1.
So President Monson has been speaking a lot about having a grateful heart, and always keeping our attitude of gratitude. In having this blessing of the constant reminder of being thankful for everything around us. When I say everything, I mean everything! My list of things I'm grateful for will definitely show that haha
But for my number one, the one man that gives us constant guidance and proper direction in these latter days.
Our wonderful Prophet Thomas S. Monson...and not just him, all of our Prophets even all the way back to Adam in the very beginning.
It seems like every time I need an answer about something or I just need an attitude adjustment on life, conference rolls around and I get to hear these amazing talks that seriously change the way you think about things. They inspire you to desire to do better, and make sure that you are counting your blessings. When something is hard and difficult, embrace it, learn from it. Then see how you can help someone else with what you felt.( I still have a lot of work to do) You can learn so much from the lives of our Prophets, I have a special place in my heart for Pres. Ezra Taft Benson....I love his quotes and reading about him. I guess I'm bias since my Grandma married his brother and that is a big part of how I was blessed to have the gospel in my life. But they are all amazing men and SO grateful to be able to have latter day revelation.
November 2nd
Number 2
I love the temple, they are so beautiful. They are where eternal families are made possible.
But it's up to you to make them possible. Do you want to be with your family forever.
That's another thing that the prophets are stressing. The time is now to reactivate our relatives who have fallen away from the gospel. As hard as it is, we can't give up, we need to help them.
It's my prayer everyday that they will desire for themselves to return to thee.
I don't know about you, but I want my WHOLE family there with me in Heaven.
They are amazing.
November 3rd
3rd one Family
I honestly love my family so much, being able to go to Texas and see what it's like with just Kolton, Addison and Me....It was simply magical.
I love my parents grandparents, siblings, cousins, Aunts and Uncles. On both mine and Kolton's side, I love getting together, talking, playing games, and just being a family!
November 4th
Wonderful FRIENDS you know who you are...wow seriously so blessed to have you girls in my life. Even if its just fun random comments or texts here and there without hanging out. We know we are friends no matter what. Through their hard work either at school or work and even with their trials and pains I have learned how smart,strong and brave they are. I feel other people's feelings really easily. Some say its a gift or a blessing, I hate it sometimes though... I can be in Sacrament listening to someones testimony that I have never met and I can cry even if it doesn't relate to my life, I feel what they are feeling(okay that sounds weird but anyways) I have learned so much from my friends and appreciate the wonderful people they are and for all the good times we have had, in sports, in church, in trouble, and crying together. November 5th
I loved SOCCER in high school, even though I wasn't all that great at it. It was so fun, and the girls on the team helped to be who I am. Good friends are everything in the growing up process. Well in my case it was a big determining factor on how I grew up a lot between Junior High and by the time HS was over....ha This was at the DQ Christmas Party last year, it has most of my DQ buddies. Not all because a lot of people worked their in the 4 years I was there. Great people!!
lol as dorky as that sounds, well I'm not obsessed with it like some workers my be. ;) I love it there. It was a home away from home. Everyone you worked with was family, a listening ear. It was also a place where I learned so much responsibility and that I am a pretty bossy person. I learned a lot about girls and guys and what kind of person I'd want working for me and even what kind of guy to date lol...so many love triangles.
I loved my Boss so much. She gave me the job when I was 16, I quit the next summer and came back when school started again... It was so good that I quit. I learned how great DQ was for a high schooler! I had two different kinds of jobs in the summer I didn't work there. One with hardly any hours, so I quit. For a 8-5 job, hated that. (NO lake in the summer!) DQ was my cup of porridge (SP)? It was just right...got hours but not psycho ridiculous ones. Only when I wanted to of course. Terri workes so well with the scheduling for everyone. Worked around sports, and when I attended cosmetology. If she knew you needed the money, she knew she could work you more. I also did a lot of dumb things, like broke a brand new touch screen register (by throwing keys) ya I cried for like a week. I felt SOOO bad. Well I still do actually. Terri handled it so well, even hugged me. She is a great boss. She really knows how to run a business and has such a BIG heart. I could go on and on. ha
oh and I am grateful that she gave my hunky return missionary a job when he came home. Dairy Queen supported our first 7 months of marriage :) yep. ok next!
November 6th
I am thankful for Dairy Queen. and Mother Theresa (Terri Holladay)lol as dorky as that sounds, well I'm not obsessed with it like some workers my be. ;) I love it there. It was a home away from home. Everyone you worked with was family, a listening ear. It was also a place where I learned so much responsibility and that I am a pretty bossy person. I learned a lot about girls and guys and what kind of person I'd want working for me and even what kind of guy to date lol...so many love triangles.
I loved my Boss so much. She gave me the job when I was 16, I quit the next summer and came back when school started again... It was so good that I quit. I learned how great DQ was for a high schooler! I had two different kinds of jobs in the summer I didn't work there. One with hardly any hours, so I quit. For a 8-5 job, hated that. (NO lake in the summer!) DQ was my cup of porridge (SP)? It was just right...got hours but not psycho ridiculous ones. Only when I wanted to of course. Terri workes so well with the scheduling for everyone. Worked around sports, and when I attended cosmetology. If she knew you needed the money, she knew she could work you more. I also did a lot of dumb things, like broke a brand new touch screen register (by throwing keys) ya I cried for like a week. I felt SOOO bad. Well I still do actually. Terri handled it so well, even hugged me. She is a great boss. She really knows how to run a business and has such a BIG heart. I could go on and on. ha
oh and I am grateful that she gave my hunky return missionary a job when he came home. Dairy Queen supported our first 7 months of marriage :) yep. ok next!
November 7th
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Seven is my lucky number, and I'm SO lucky to have Kolton.
and I plan to NEVER go 7 months without this guy again.
Seriously wow, I feel so blessed to have such a hard working, sweet, caring, and worthy Priesthood holder as my husband and Daddy to our sweet little girl.
I have thought he was beautiful since the 7th grade.
November 8th
Transportation, got to go see my love because of it :)
November 9th
Sisters....I am grateful for Tracy, I have learned a lot from her. She is an amazing girl in so many ways. SO successful and smart. She is so sweet, an SO good with kids. Such a good Aunt. Cori and Kendyl too! I love having them for sisters, so understanding and such good Mama's. I have also learned so much from them also. I am going to hate being away from all my sisters so much. I have definitely have learned to love technology with Kolty being gone. So we are going to all be skyping!!
November 10th
Lets not forget about Jeniffer. Aunt Jenny ha She is my adopted sister ha. I love her to death, she is so funny and kind. She is going to make such a great Mom when she finally decides experience the miracle of life. Jen is a new convert to the church well it's been over two years now. But she is a great example to me and every time I might be slacking on my scripture study, she says Sarah I have to give a talk! Help! (new converts have to speak alot if they are willing)ha I haven't given a talk since Kolty and I first got married. You learn so much just from research and praying for what to say, so I love helping her, even if I don't have much that she'll use. I still learn stuff just be trying to help and I love it.
November 11th
A day to remember the veterans of our Country.
My Husband, my two brothers, and so many more men and women.
I am so grateful to them for the huge blessing
of being able to live in a free country .
The sacrifices they make are huge.
November 12th
Diapers enough said ha
November 13th
Missionaries and the wonderful work they do. Having a brother and cousin on a mission is awesome. Feeling the spirit that they have and being able to read their stories of how they are sharing the gospel to people is amazing. I love the letters and e-mails! So inspiring.
November 14th-make up, hair accessories(shampoo, hair spray) I won't lie. I don't look very attractive without it. Kolty says I look beautiful without it, but I know he likes it when I get dolled up more haha. For my friends that look gorgeous without it (coughcamille) I won't lie, I'm jealous haha....but hey that's why Heavenly Father aloud us to invent it, to make up for what we don't have. It's an art if you know how to do it too. Some girls do gorgeous eye make up!
November 15th-cell phones, i get to talk to my love every day because of that amazing device. I send pics and videos of our lil girl too :)
November 16th- music! enough said ...Christmas is coming and I love Christmas music :)
November 17th-facebook, I love looking at pictures of friends and seeing how everyone is doing. Sometimes I think about deleting it and seeing what it would be like. But I'd miss my friends more I think.
November 18th- Dad's, they are so funny, so sweet, and just great people. Cutest Grandpa's too, I love it. Both my Daddy and Ken, SOOO grateful for them and their examples.
November 19th-My MaMa and Mother(kolty's mom Roni) when we talk about her we say Mother and my mom I normally say Mama....they are both such good Mommies.. easy to talk to, so loving, love their Grand kids SO much. (once again I could go on forever about mine an Kolton's parents) But Addison is goin to wake up soon haha
November 20th- I'm grateful to have a Church building so close and to attend with such great people. I love listening to the talks and I LOVE Relief Society so much.
November 21st- I'm grateful for mistakes, so grateful to learn from all of the stupid things I have done, or even ones that other people made and I changed inside because of it. For our sweet Savior and being able to have repentance and to partake of the sacrament each week worthily.
Novemeber 22nd- Tissues plus lotion, when you have a cold. Life saver, or nose saver?
November 23rd-Sewing, my awesome sewing machine, and my mom helping me to be a better sewer. haha I love sewing with her and being able to make things that people appreciate because you made it you didn't just buy it ya know?
November 24th -Food! Whether its chocolate or vegies I am so grateful for it. I love that we are able to eat yummy things, and for being able to cook and bake. We are so spoiled to have all that we have and I know it, and SO grateful for it too. I watched that documentary on babies(don't watch it) haha it shows like us American lint rollering our babies( haha I won't lie, I've done it) Then African babies living in the dirt, surrounded by flies. It's a wake up call. It made me so so so grateful to have what I have and even though people are perfectly capable of living like that. I think Heavenly father knew me well enough that I needed diapers for my baby and flushing toilets. (in the video it showed the mom wiping the babies poopy on her leg) I was in awe
November 25th
Okay for the last one, our lovely Thanksgiving day.
I am so grateful for our daughter. Our gorgeous little Addison
Addison James, Addie, Addie J, AJ, punkin, toot, silly girl, girl friend. ha
She is such a good baby, so sweet, and I feel so blessed to have her and Kolton.
I LOVE being daughter, sister, Mom, and wife.
I was born a daughter and a sister,
being a Mom and Wife is a choice.
and one of the greatest choices a girl can make.
I am so grateful to be able to be all of these and have so much to be grateful for!
I am so grateful to be able to be all of these and have so much to be grateful for!
I am SO grateful for the spirit of Thanksgiving!
We need to live in Thanksgiving DAILY.
At Church on Sunday a boy gave a talk, and he said we should even be grateful for our
finger nails.
Think about that!
Yeah we need to be grateful for ALL that we have.
We need to live in Thanksgiving DAILY.
At Church on Sunday a boy gave a talk, and he said we should even be grateful for our
finger nails.
Think about that!
Yeah we need to be grateful for ALL that we have.
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
-Johannes A. Gaertner
Ahhh so cute! And thanks :) but you couldn't be unattractive if you tried!